Early bird catches the worm

Happy Wanderer artist applications have now closed and we've been spending our time listening to some rad tunes from over 150 bands that applied to play at Happy Wanderer 5.

We’re stoked! There's sure to be some passionate discussion but however it shakes out, it’s going to be an EPIC line up come 3-6 November.
We don’t want our Wanderers to miss out on tickets once the line up is announced so, we've released our Early Bird tickets a little early (like even earlier than the bird).

Early Bird Tickets are just $120 + bf (full price is $180, so, bargain!). Tickets include three days and three nights of music, most activities and camping.

In addition to an epic line up of music, we’ll have our beautiful morning yoga, heaps of ace workshops (some free, others a small fee), rad food trucks keeping us nourished and our ever-faithful chai tent.

Early Bird round 1 tickets are on sale until 30 June, or sold out.

Meanwhile, the cows are having a lovely time on the festival site.